هآدي اشرف.

طالب بالصف الأول الإعدادي









a secret code

it was written in a secret code and the letters were mixed up

to make the letters bigger.

understand the parchment

his parents died

the prof's cook

the scientists used to write there dicoveries in lain

1 - he was a famous icelandic scientist
2 - he was the owner of the book and the writer of the parchment
3 - he was the first man to go to the center of the earth

the professor came home early and she didn't prepare his dinner

he couldn't understand the parshment

the letters of the old icelandic alphabit

went to live with his uncle

to keep it secret

because the scientists in the 16 century used to write their dicoveres in Latin

a magnifying glass

شركاء النجاح

جوائز عديدة ودعم وتقدير من أفضل المؤسسات العالمية في مجال التعليم وعالم الأعمال والتأثير الإجتماعي

حمل تطبيق نفهم وتصفح أسرع