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Measuring weight - الصف الثالث الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني Math - الرياضيات لغات Let’s take a few minutes and explore how heavy each of these are. Grams paperclip A paperclip weighs about 1 gram. Hold one small paperclip in your hand. Does that weigh a lot? No! A gram is very light. That is why you often see things measured in hundreds of grams. Grams are often written as g (for short), so "300 g" means "300 grams". A loaf of bread weighs about 700 g (for a nice sized loaf) Kilograms Once we have 1,000 grams, we have 1 kilogram. 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams A dictionary has a mass of about one kilogram. Dictionary Kilograms are great for measuring things that can be lifted by people (sometimes very strong people are needed of course!). bathroom-scales Kilograms are often written as kg (that is a "k" for "kilo" and a "g" for "gram), so "10 kg" means "10 kilograms". Scales measure our weight using kilograms. An adult weighs about 70 kg. How much do you weigh?

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