من إعداد : ال مُعلم

منى عبد الهادي تابع

Energy paths through living organisms All living organisms need food as a source of energy- - Producers are the living organisms that can make their own food by Photosynthesis process - producers are the source of food for the herbivorous consumer - the herbivorous consumers are the source of food for the carnivorous consumer - After death, the carnivorous consumers are the source of food for decomposers - Food chain: is the path of energy that transmits in a form of food from a living organism to another one - Food web: is a group of overlapping food chains representing the flow of energy through the living organisms in the form of food - energy paths: are the paths that show the energy transference in the form of food from a living organism to another in the food webs

:ملخص للدرس من اعداد منى عبد الهادي

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Nafham Team - Admin


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