من إعداد : ال مساهم

محمد إبراهيم محمود تابع

Division is basically the opposite of multiplication; it reverses the process. For example, 5 * 9 = 45. This is multiplication, and it adds 5 together 9 times. Accordingly, 45 / 9 = 5. This is division, and it shows that 45 can be divided into 9 equal parts of 5. Whenever you need to figure out what a number is multiplied by to equal a different number (for example, 4 * ___ = 28), you can use division to solve this, since multiplication and division are opposites of each other (in the example above, you would use 28 / 4 to figure out that 7 is the missing number). In technical terms, this relationship is known as an "inverse" relationship.

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