من إعداد : ال مساهم

محمد إبراهيم محمود تابع

Multiplying a 2-digit Number by a 1-digit Nimber How to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number (for example 59 * 7). Place one number above the other so that the ones' place digits are lined up. Draw a line under the bottom number. 59 7 Multiply the two ones' place digits (9 * 7 = 63). This number is larger than 9, so place the six above the tens' place column and place the three below the line in the ones' place column. 6 59 7 3 Multiply the digit in the tens' place column (5) by the second number (7). The result is 5 * 7 = 35. Add the 6 to the 35 (35 + 6 = 41) and place the answer below the line and to the left of the 3. 59 7 413

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